Our team of parishioners counts the weekend and holyday collections. Counting takes approximately two to three hours. Parishioners can assist the counters by considering the following guidelines:
Mark the amount enclosed on the envelope - In order to receive full credit for your donations at the end of the year, each envelope must have an accurate amount written on it. While the counters try to catch all unmarked envelopes and write the amount on the envelope, there are times when unmarked envelopes are not noticed and marked by a counter and that donation is therefore not counted in the year-end total.
Do not cut, tape or otherwise mutilate the envelope. Donations are recorded by scanning each envelope. Envelopes with tape or cuts or rips or any other form of mutilation cannot easily be scanned.
Bills should be as smooth as possible as they are counted both by hand and by machine to assure an accurate count. Bills that are very wrinkled or folded cause problems with the counting machine.